Bobby-Leo Moxon Man on a Mission

Bobby-Leo Moxon Man on a Mission

Bobby-Leo Moxon was on a mission last night at Atlanta he was in a 3 way battle towards the end of the race with Earl Andretti and David Dunwoody. It was back and forth for several laps but he found a opening and made a pass on Dunwoody and made some distance and was able to hold off Andretti at the end and sealed his first win of the season and locked himself into the All Star Race. He is the 8th different winner this season Moxon is currently in 13th place in the standings. Austin Knight finished 9th he fought his way up the field after starting in back of the field 23rd. He is currently 35 points ahead of Casper Hagelskaer with 3 races to go as we head to the wild card track Talladega Speedway.