Tom White survives Chaos as NLR shines on the last weekend of the season to secure the Overall Team Championship for Season 5

Tom White survives Chaos as NLR shines on the last weekend of the season to secure the Overall Team Championship for Season 5

Did someone want a clean hard race to finish the season and determine the Season Title? Well with the Nascars on track at Auto Club Speedway it was anything but clean. Multiple drivers throughout the race looked like they were in control of the race, however today the track got the best of most of them. Tom White (F/A) ends up surviving from the back of the back and picks up the win.

The story to the viewers quickly became the struggles of Andrew Green (Brew Crew) today and if he could hold onto what many considered a lock for the Nascar Title. At one point his own teammate sent a car into him and causing him to have to get more repairs. However if there was any race to struggle in, today’s race was the one. As most drivers found them selves with damage very quickly and no car came off the track without damage by the end. Having built up that huge lead paid of for Andrew as he Takes home the Nascar Trophy!

NLR came into today worried about The Brew Crew since they were the best Nascar Team all season long. Unfortunately for The Brew Crew their relatively clean season compared to the rest of the field came to an end today. Merle McGwire found himself in some trouble early along side Andrew, while Gunny was able to get a Top 3 finish with a pretty damaged car, giving The Brew Crew 2nd in the Overall Team Standings. NLR not only held onto their slim lead coming into the week, but they came out with the most points on the weekend giving themselves a pretty comfortable finish, +61 points. A surprise of the weekend was JandK coming into the weekend in 5th but had a really strong performance and actually edged out EP!C for 3rd overall!

This brings us to the end of Season 5 for the Nascar teams and Drivers, but we were able to reach out to some of the Owners from around the league to get their thoughts.

When asked about their early season struggles and the turn around that happened Aaron Kozak of The Brew Crew said “Early on we saw that some things where working, and other drivers seemed to make adjustments which then seemed to make things click. Hopefully next year we plan to do kinda the same thing, but with a bit of a guide which we hope gets us off to a better start.” Adding on about Season 6 “As we know results come with a bit of luck. Some of the strongest cars I felt we had on the team, had a lot of bad luck due to crashes or other things. I have to say that having Emilia Rose as my Assistant, we have come up with awesome plans for seasons to come.”

When asking Kyle Storm about Season 5 and his thoughts, “We came into the season very optimistic. Each week our performance improved however our luck did not. But in the end you can’t ask for a better group of guys, this team has proven what teamwork is and it’ll be demonstrated again in Season 6.” Otis Boudreaux from JandK added onto it mentioning “Oh wow. That “target” is real, and it can be so demoralizing, if we allow it to. The season didn’t go the way I hoped it would. But it is a learning process so I am ready to see what next season brings us.”

Justin Chris Representing NLR wanted to say, “I feel amazing winning this championship, so glad this team stuck by me when I had my ups and downs, couldn’t have done it without the team. Definitely the most supportive team in this league.” And I personally want to thank all my NLR drivers for making this season and Championship possible!

I want to leave everyone with a word from our commissioner who puts a lot of time and effort into making this league possible. “Season 5 was the most competitive season we have had as far as team competition and I expect Season 6 to be even more competitive [as] every season teams step up their game.” Adding on “We have a lot of changes coming for Season 6 as far as league structure which will bring even more exciting racing.”

By: Rhett Sawyer