The REAL Drivers of the ESL

The REAL Drivers of the ESL

We sign up using aliases, or our real names, or a mixture of both. We all hope to get our favorite number or the number of our favorite driver, then we agonize over the paint scheme. We faithfully progress our builds and we watch the Sims, envisioning ourselves behind the wheel. As our liveries jockey back and forth in the Sim, we cheer, curse and trash talk our competition on both the live Stream and then later in discord. Sim racing is Glorious!
But among us ‘AI Sim racers’ there are a group of Drivers who actually live the life of a Race car driver. They actually strap themselves in, and while gripping the wheel they propel themselves at insane speeds, for miles. In the new few segments, we’ll try to get to know these Drivers in brief shorts of their perspective of our Sim.

Author: Al Andretti