Week 1 Money Power Rankings

Week 1 Money Power Rankings

1. Brew Crew – All drivers finished clean. 2 poles (1 with a win) and 3 total podiums, the Brew Crew had only 1 driver fail to make prize $ this week.

2. Apex – All drivers finished clean. 2 first place podiums and no Repair Fees, but 4 drivers failed to make prize $ pushing Apex to 2nd.

3. Low Fuel – One Repair Fee pushed Low Fuel to 3rd place. Still, they finished with 3 podiums (two 1st place) and only 1 driver failing to earn $.

4. Northern Lights – 2 Repair Fees and 1 driver failing to earn $ ruined an extremely strong performance (6 podiums, 2 poles).

5. Desperado – Two 1st place podiums and a pole not enough to overcome 2 Repair Fees, being short handed and having 1 driver fail to earn $ put Desperado at #5.

6. J & K – 2 podiums (one for 1st place) versus 2 Repair Fees and 2 drivers not earning $ puts J & K at #6.

7. Wrecking Crew – 3 podiums (0-1st place), 2 Repair Fees and 2 drivers failing to earn $ has WCI at the bottom.

8. Lionheart – Lionheart is a new Organization and doesn’t run in all series. Going thru growing pains, they had 4 Repair Fees, but had a 2nd place podium and only 1 driver failing to earn $.