Week 1 was a blast to watch with action across every series, now let’s see the debut of the new PR system!

So just a quick explanation of how to read the new format, and remember since this is week 1 there are obviously no previous totals to add.

1 – Team Name – PR # (+/-/Total +/-)

Oval Series
1 – NLR – 36.86 (+8)

Rough time at Daytona for their Nascar drivers but they had the Best Arca score and 2nd in Late Models.

2 – Low Fuel – 43.53 (-28)

With the best LM score and being in the top 3 for Arca has Low Fuel off to a strong star.

3 – Can-Am – 45.99 (+58)

Can-Am is rolling the dice with only 2 drivers in the Nascar series and this week it really paid off.

4 – Brew Crew – 46.43 (-15)

Top 3 in both Arca and LM saves the Brew Crew from having the lowest Nascar score.

5 – Desperado – 50.11 (+3)

Desperado starts of with middle of the table scores in all 3 series.

6 – Apex – 52.78 (-17)

Their great Nascar score was unable to cover for the other 2 series coming in the bottom 3.

7 – Delusions of Grandeur – 61.10 (-74)

This week was a roller coaster of a 1st week, they got a couple wins as a team but finished in the bottom 3 across the 3 series. Daytona is a tough first race as a team though.

Road Series
1 – Apex – 6.16 (+7)

Are they back? With the best score in MC B and a top 3 in MC A this could be a scary sign for the rest of the league.

2 – Low Fuel – 6.58 (+4)

Low Fuel easily had the best MC A score which made up for an average MC B result.

3 – Brew Crew – 7.16 (+10)

Solid start for the Brew Crew as the not only finished Top 3 in both series but they also had the best +/- score of any team.

4 – Desperado – 9.08 (+3)

Rough start to the season for Desperado, Bottom 3 in both MC A and MC B.

5 – Delusions of Grandeur – 9.75 (-4)

Mixed results in the opening week, Top 3 for MC B but bottom 3 in MC A.

6 – NLR – 11.75 (-6)

Their 2nd place finish in MC A wasn’t enough to make up for the multiple incidents that wrecked their drivers in MC B.

7 – Can-Am – 4 (-4)

Unfortunately without a driver in MC A this will have to be Can-Am’s place for the time being.

By Rhett Sawyer (NLR