Week 4 Team Power Rankings

Week 4 Team Power Rankings

Oval Series
1 – Low Fuel – 78.335(+17) –

Another week in the books and another week on top for Low Fuel, Their amazing LM score of 4.66 carried their team this week.

2 – NLR – 87.688 (-30) –

A bit of a down week for NLR, specially for a week which saw drivers on a Road Course. Their LM drivers continue to shine as this is their 3rd week with a score below 7.00.

3 – Apex – 109.533 (0) +2

A pretty solid week across the board for Apex with good scores in all 3 series, allowing them to jump up 2 spots going into Week 5.

4 – Brew Crew – 110.633 (-29) -1

The Brew Crew sees themselves slip a spot as they have kind of a rough week, but they still find themselves firmly in the battle for 3rd in the PRs.

5 – Desperado – 112.947 (+27) -1

3 middle of the pack scores has Desperado drop a spot while still challenging for a chance to get into the Top 3.

6 – Delusions of Grandeur – 130.683 (-17) +1

DoG had some big improvements this week in all 3 series, can they continue to improve and find a way to join the teams fighting for 3rd?

7 – Can-Am – 144.647 (+10) -1

Can-Am has been one of the best teams at gaining positions on the track, but they haven’t been able to turn that into top performances. If they start getting better starting spots then watch out.

Road Series
1 – Low Fuel – 16.128 (-7) +1

Low Fuel finds themselves coming in with the 2nd best scores in both MC A and B this week, continuing their run as the Top team in the Road Series.

2 – Brew Crew – 17.725 (-6) +2

Good scores in both MC A and B has The Brew Crew take advantage of a down week for a couple teams and sitting in the 2nd spot.

3 – Apex – 18.015 (+23) +2

Apex had their best week of the season beating out their great opening week performance. They jump 2 spots and closed the gap on Low Fuel to a more manageable number, now can they make the jump to get back on top?

4 – NLR – 20.112 (-12) -3

After having their best week of the season which had them top the PRs they then flipped it around and had their worst week of the season which drops them 3 spots this week.

5 – Desperado – 20.691 (+3) -2

Unfortunately for Desperado they see a season best score in MC A get counteracted by a season worst result in MC B and that has them fall 2 spots going into Week 5.

6 – Delusions of Grandeur – 22.282(+1) –

They continue to improve their scores each week having season best results in Week 4. If they keep this up then watch this score drop quickly once their older weeks fall off the scoring.

7 – Can-Am – 8.575(+7) –

Their MC B drivers had their best score of the season, when they start filling out their roster then Can-Am could be a threat in the Road Series.

By Rhett Sawyer (NLR)